One World Award honors global encouragers for the sixth time
Get to know the winners
[April 26, 2021] Encouragers – for us, encouragers are people who make the world a little bit better through their commitment, persistence and courage.
For the 6th time, we presented together with IFOAM – Organics International the encourager award to several very special people. The One World Award is endowed with 45,000 € – for the first time, the award ceremony took place as an online event.
Winner of the One World Award Grand Prix is Organic Denmark; the OWA Lifetime Achievement Award went to Tomoko and Yoshinori Kaneko. Guest of honor at the award ceremony was German Federal Development Minister, Dr. Gerd Müller.
Get to know the winners and get inspired:
For the 6th time, we presented together with IFOAM – Organics International the encourager award to several very special people. The One World Award is endowed with 45,000 € – for the first time, the award ceremony took place as an online event.
Winner of the One World Award Grand Prix is Organic Denmark; the OWA Lifetime Achievement Award went to Tomoko and Yoshinori Kaneko. Guest of honor at the award ceremony was German Federal Development Minister, Dr. Gerd Müller.
Get to know the winners and get inspired:
Silver: committed organic pioneers and activists

Reinforcements for the OWA jury
This year, the One World Award is presented for the 6th time. New this year: the OWA jury has grown and new experts enrich the team. In the future, the applications from all over the world will be evaluated by six instead of four jury members.
Short portraits of the jury members:
Joseph Wilhelm,
The founder and managing director of Rapunzel Naturkost started the OWA in 2008. The organic pioneer is a worldwide promoter of organic agriculture and for just and peaceful living – with fair trade, proprietary organic cultivation projects and active involvement against agropoisons and GMOs.
Dr. Hans Herren,
The internationally-renowned scientist, farmer and Right Livelihood Award laureate is one of the new jury members. He founded the Biovision Foundation that focuses on developing successful organic strategies. In 2010, Hans Herren and Biovision were awarded with the OWA.
Julia Lernoud,
At the Reasearch Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), this new jury member used to compile the annual reports "The World of Organic Agriculture". Since 2017, she is member of the IFOAM - Organics International World Board. IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriulture Movements) has been partner of the OWA since its start.
Shamiso Mungwashu,
The co-founder of the „Fair Trade Support Network Zimbabwe” (FSNZ) is committed to improving the living conditions in her homeland - with respect to fair trade, organic agriculture, sustainable development or children's rights. The 2017 OWA laureate now supports the jury for the first time.

One World Award
The international ONE WORLD WARD (OWA) honors people and their projects that make the world a better place!

The ONE WORLD AWARD criteria provide potential nominees a guideline for assessing if they might qualify for the award. ...

Award Partner
IFOAM – Organics International is the organic agent of change for true sustainability in agriculture, in value chains and consumption.