The finalists of the ONE WORLD AWARD 2008
Bernward Geier visited the five finalists of the first, international ONE WORLD AWARD. During his visits he made sure that the selected projects in Africa, Asia and Europe complied with the ONE WORLD AWARD nomination criteria.
Upon thorough consultation the jury selected the winner from the five finalists. In the following we will give a brief description of the all finalists. The winning project will be described in more detail in our next issue. All five finalists of the ONE WORLD AWARD 2008 give globalization a positive dimension with their extraordinary engagement.
The award was initiated by Joseph Wilhelm, founder and Managing Director of Rapunzel Naturkost. The OWA honours positive, sustainable examples of globalization as defined by the three columns of sustainability: economic, ecological and social aspects.
Upon thorough consultation the jury selected the winner from the five finalists. In the following we will give a brief description of the all finalists. The winning project will be described in more detail in our next issue. All five finalists of the ONE WORLD AWARD 2008 give globalization a positive dimension with their extraordinary engagement.
The award was initiated by Joseph Wilhelm, founder and Managing Director of Rapunzel Naturkost. The OWA honours positive, sustainable examples of globalization as defined by the three columns of sustainability: economic, ecological and social aspects.

Anil Rana

Harald Schützeichel

Sheng Lyun

Victor Ananias