Nazmi Ilicali, Turkey
OWA Finalist 2012

In the alpine region of Eastern Anatolia where winters may last up to 9 months, farming is a constant struggle. In order to stop the massive rural exodus in the region, Nazmi Ilicali started to organize farmersabout 12 years ago. Out of this developed DATÜB, an organization representing the interests of farmers making their living with livestock husbandry. Today, DATÜB has more than 5,500 members.


Die Bio-Bauern Anatoliens profitieren von den Kooperationen und Netzwerken
In the year 2005, Nazmi Ilicali initiated his most successful project as of yet. In cooperation with a large city-owned bakery in Istanbul, he managed to close a five-year contract for the supply with organic grain. With this contract he was able to almost double the farmers’ income and provide them a long-term perspective. This motivated several hundred farming families to return to their native villages from the cities and to take up farming once again.

Milchviehhaltung ist die Passion von Nazmi Ilicali
With his next project, he is planning to build up an organic seed bank with a focus on traditional varieties. The seed bank will be named after Victor Ananias, the deceased OWA finalist from 2008.
“Organic Nazmi” as he is called in Turkey is a pioneer of organic agriculture. With his medial presence and his lobbying efforts for the organic idea he has become an important cornerstone in the dynamic development of the organic agriculture in Turkey.